Thursday, January 2, 2014


You cannot tell me that I’m an Amazon Goddess
Walking fearlessly, head held high, chest proud
Bare against the breeze, hair tangled down my back.
Feet nimble on the crags, legs strong, fast, solid.

For I am not a warrior. I do not have the presence,
Banshee voice, ferocious, eyes focussed
On destroying anything and anyone in my path,
Skin smeared with the blood and bile of my enemies.

How can you see me as a woman of war?
I do not have the attention or faith to fight.
Crouching behind boulders, scared, terrified
Watching as others claim their just prizes.

Maybe you see what I cannot see. Me in my pack,
Walking fearlessly, head held high, chest proud
Knowing not when the battle will soften or end.
Bundled together, a battalion of soft hardness.

You know that I don’t see the weakness that is woman.
We stand firm, at war with the world, at war with ourselves,
Skin smeared with the blood and bile of our enemies,
Oozing, seething, drowning in our own seeping juices.

Maybe I cannot see that in being soft, I am strong,
In standing proud, insular, I am a part of the whole,
In being fearless, I walk an unknown path, silent alone,

Walking the unknown road of every woman who ever lived.